The original herbal peeling by Dr. Schrammek
Original Green Peel® Herbal Peeling: Transform Your Skin Naturally
Experience the original Green Peel® Herbal Peeling - a groundbreaking treatment meticulously developed to address various skin concerns. With a legacy spanning over 60 years, Christine Schrammek pioneered this transformative approach to attaining clear and radiant skin. Dr. med. Christine Schrammek-Drusio, a prominent dermatologist, has consistently elevated the Green Peel® Herbal Peeling technique.
Differentiating itself from conventional peeling methods, Green Peel contains no harsh chemicals, substances, or synthetic agents. Through a gentle herbal massage, a unique renewal process is set in motion, rejuvenating your skin in the most natural way.
*Customer Information ! : Prior to a peeling treatment, a comprehensive skin analysis and in-depth consultation are essential to determine suitability for the original Green Peel herbal peeling classic.
GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling Classic + 5 Day Follow-Up Facial (Includes Home Care Products) - £200
Experience skin transformation through herbal massage. This process removes upper epidermal layers, enhancing blood circulation, oxygen supply, and metabolism while stimulating regeneration. Witness a fresh, new skin in just 5 days. The final Beauty Finish treatment provides nourishing ingredients to receptive skin. Dr. Med Schrammek home skin care is included.
Procedure Overview:
● Day 1: In-salon treatment.
● Day 2-5: Downtime (peeling typically starts 2-3 days after) using provided
● Day 5: In-salon Beauty Finish Treatment for completion and skin nourishment.
Suitable for:
● Sun-damaged skin & wrinkles (anti-aging prophylaxis)
● Sagging body skin (abdominal wall, upper arms, thighs)
● Some types of hyperpigmentation
● Impure skin, sebum cysts
● Scars & stretch marks (Striae)
● Skin prone to premature wrinkles
GREEN PEEL® Energy plus Q10 (Includes Home Care Kit) - £150
The Energy treatment stimulates blood circulation and cellular metabolism, naturally improving skin texture without peeling. Experience a more vibrant complexion with reduced signs of ageing. GREEN PEEL® Body Energy extends this revitalising effect to problem areas on almost the entire body.
Suitable for:
● Wrinkles & anti-aging prophylaxis ● Impurities
● Hyperpigmentations
Energy Q10 Plus Peel Course:
● 3 Treatments every 2-3 weeks.
GREEN PEEL® Fresh Up - £110
Revive your skin's freshness and radiance. This gentle method without peeling effect stimulates blood circulation, opens pores, and optimises skincare ingredient absorption. Enjoy a brighter, fresher, and more relaxed complexion.
Recommended for:
- Tired-looking skin
- Early signs of ageing
- Pale complexionIncreased
- cornification
GREEN PEEL® Mela White Advanced - £130
Address pigmentation and uneven skin tone for a clearer, brighter complexion. This gentle method helps even out skin pigment and improve overall skin tone.
For best results, we recommend a course of 5-6 treatments, along with using Mela White Skincare range for at least 3 months. Home care Mela White products are mandatory.
Frequently asked question
Yes. Our GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling treatment is performed in over
50 countries, including regions with abundant sunlight like South Africa. It can be done at any season. However, after a GREEN PEEL® Classic treatment, avoid intensive sun exposure initially, as the rejuvenated skin is particularly sensitive.
The three methods of GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling may involve
tingling sensations during the herbal massage. Depending on skin condition, this may feel slightly uncomfortable, but not painful.
No. Your skin therapist does not wear gloves during treatment, indicating the natural and gentle nature of our Herbal Peeling. It contains no chemical substances or abrasive particles.
No, the intensity of the skin peeling depends on individual factors. However, this does not affect the effectiveness of GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling. The herbs always initiate a renewal and regeneration process in the skin.
Yes, every individual's skin response is unique. It's difficult to predict
the intensity of the peeling beforehand. For those who prefer not to be seen in public during the peeling process, scheduling the GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling treatment for a Wednesday allows the process to occur over the weekend. The post-treatment follow-up on Monday ensures minimal downtime, if any.
No. After a GREEN PEEL® treatment, the skin is youthful and fresh.
This revitalised skin requires special attention. With each GREEN PEEL® treatment, your skin becomes stronger, firmer, and more resilient.
Activation of metabolism, improved microcirculation, and enhanced interlocking of skin layers result in better oxygenation and nutrient absorption. Connective tissue fibres (collagenous and elastic fibres) are activated, and metabolic wastes are reduced.
Choosing the Right Treatment